The Awards 2025

Since 2011, the YoungBrandAwards have been the largest independent voting among the younger generations. Every year, over 10,000 people take part in the voting.
The awards recognize brands that are particularly popular among young age groups (16 to 35 years) due to their creativity and strong brand management.
Active participation is aimed at companies that focus on both the younger generations and young families (with children).

Voting starts in:


Our goal

Our goal is to give young consumers a voice to identify the most popular brands and the most attractive financial and insurance offers. This will increase their awareness and, by asking about their specific benefits and features, will significantly increase awareness.

Benefits of Active Participation

Increased visibility
Benefit from the increased media exposure and recognition that comes with your nomination.

Exciting content
As a nominated brand, you will receive exclusive marketing material that you can use in your communication channels to highlight your nomination.

Unique Insights
Find out what really moves young consumers and which characteristics and features are popular in your industry.


The most popular brands among young people and families


building society

depository provider

credit card providers

online (neo-) bank

life insurance

car/motorcycle insurance

occupational disability insurance

health insurance

asset management


Sustainable Bank

daily money providers

liability insurance

private health insurance

legal expenses insurance

The most attractive financial products for young people and families

Online Account

Current accounts

Credit card

Daily allowance/Fixed deposits

Credit card

Sustainable Account


Building savings

The most attractive insurance policies for young people and families


Travel insurance

Life insurance

service and advice

Occupational disability

car insurance

Legal protection

Private health insurance


evaluation & presentation

Current Insights
Find out what really moves young consumers and which characteristics and features are popular in your industry.
