All new products that appeared on the German market after October 1st, 2020 can take part.
Products that have not yet been published can also take part in the voting.
Product manufacturers have the opportunity to register for the survey directly and on their own initiative.
After a review, you will learn whether your new product meets the necessary criteria and is therefore approved and nominated for participation.
There are no costs for the examination.
Products from the “Food” & “Non-Food” areas can take part in the 2022 survey.
Registrations are possible until October 1st, 2022.
Product awareness, product features and product interest are queried.
All products that have at least 300 ratings and an average score (product interest) of 3.0 out of 5.0 receive the "TopNewProduct 2022" seal and can use this immediately for their communication.
The evaluation and allocation takes place on the 1st of each month (from April to October 2022).
Representative, randomized online voting
Survey period:
02/15 until 15.10. (2021: 05/15 to 10/15)
Interviewed age group:
16 to 99 years
Participating products:
52 (2021)
TopNewProduct Winner:
26 (2021)
Award: TopNewProduct
Participants per product:
at least n=300 peoplen
Score based on:
Product interest (0 to 5 stars/points)
Minimum score winner (= evaluation score):
3,0 out of 5.0 stars/points
*The award cannot be guaranteed at any time
Institute: Youngcom GmbH Gütersloh/Munich
Data protection: The voting takes place on the agency's own survey platform
All servers are in Germany. No personal data is collected.
The contact address will only be saved for the competition.